Thursday, April 30, 2015


This Sunday, Bethel will be celebrating its 5th annual Fine Arts Fair. Note the subtle change from “Art” to “Fine Arts” which reflects the new addition of a musical program.  This year's theme is "God Walk." Again the fair will include two art galleries (school in Torvend Hall, Church in the Fireside Room), a public display of art projects on our front lawn, and opportunities for prayer and reflection along a path around the campus.  Visitors of the Art Fair have the opportunity to purchase baked goods in support of our youth program, enjoy a taco bar lunch, and listen to live music.

As Christians, we trust that we walk with God when we follow in Jesus’ footsteps in a manner that he has laid out for us.  That walk includes awareness
  • that we are God’s beloved creatures,
  • that God loves all His/Her children,
  • that we have been created for a purpose,
  • that we don’t live in the manner that is pleasing in God’s eyes,
  • that we are called to act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God, and
  • that we are Christ’s body on earth.
In light of this mouthful, what is “God Walk”? Worship? Prayer? Scripture study? Teaching?Service? Healing? Prophecy? Protest?  

It is all of the above and more.  The title of a book that my younger daughter’s class reads each day as part of their homeroom class says it all Love Does.  Love, indeed, is more than a sentiment, love is action.  Jesus has demonstrated that sort of active love in his life and death.  Now it’s our turn to live lives of love in his name.

In addition to the art fair, we will also be lifting up in worship the 5 youth and their adult sponsors who recently went South to Tijuana to help build houses with Esperanza International.  Their work is a helpful reminder to all of us that walking with God involves active stops along the way and it involves " Camina con Dios," walking with our neighbors, both near and far, so that they may have healthy, wholesome, and safe lives and homes. 


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