Monday, September 19, 2011

2011 Ministry Fair

Doors, doors, doors, and then some more….  On September 11, the Bethel campus was filled with colorfully decorated doors.  Each of the 12 doors represented one or more ministries at Bethel.  There were doors for Building & Grounds, Worship & Music, Caring Ministries, Youth Ministry, Bethel’s Young Adult Group, Mission Outreach, Congregational Life, Children’s Ministries, Stewardship, the Library Team, Communications, and Bethel Lutheran School.
Don’t be deceived, though.  Bethel has far more than 12 active groups engaged in ministry..  Most of the 12 doors represented a wide array of individual ministry groups.  Take Mission Outreach, for example.  The Mission Outreach door introduced you to all kinds of ministry opportunities, ranging from local groups serving the hungry and homeless and our upcoming Service Worship and national organizations (Lutheran World Relief, Bread for the World) to several Christian groups working in Tanzania, and even the annual Adult Mission to Mexico trip. 
Why doors?  Bethel, like any Christian congregation, does not exist for its own sake.  Bethel’s primary purpose is not edification, education, or even fellowship among its members.  Bethel’s first and foremost purpose is to proclaim to the world Christ’s life-giving and transforming Good News.  As Christians, we have been called into ministry as God’s partners, so that the world may know him and be changed by him.  We exist not for our own sake, but for the sake of a suffering world, a world in deep need of peace, healing, justice, forgiveness, grace, and love.
Churches can provide opportunities for Christians to live out their faith.  At Bethel, more than 60 of such opportunities exists and the purpose of the ministry fair was to introduce you to the amazing ministries led by members of the Bethel community.
It takes all sorts of people and all kinds of talents to share God’s Good News. There is room for everyone … and there is always room for one more person, for one more opinion, one more faith perspective, once more voice, and one more pair of hands! This person could be you! This opinion, faith perspective, voice, or hand could be YOURS!
Don’t be sad, if you have missed the ministry fair.  At the ministry fair, Bethel’s new ministry guide (“Opening Doors – A Guide to Christ-Centered Service & Spiritual Growth”) was revealed and made available.  If you don’t have a copy yet, please contact Patricia Myerholtz, Bethel’s Adult Ministry Coordinator, to have her set aside your very own copy of the ministry guide.
I look forward to partnering with you in ministry and mission!

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